Gay Men & White Supremacy in the Gay Community

If we want to help dismantle white supremacy, we have to identify how gay culture perpetuates it.

Gay Men & Blog
8 min readNov 21, 2021
Photo by Brian Kyed on Unsplash

White supremacy exists in every corner of society and within each of us, regardless of race or ethnicity. It is an ideology that is continuously forced upon humanity to ensure that power and privilege are held by whiteness. An obvious manifestation of this is the racial make up of U.S. presidents and politicians. A seemingly less harmful symptom of white supremacy is the mainstream media focus on white people and stories. Within the gay male community, it shows up as seeking fit, white or light-skinned men as sexual or romantic partners. However, that’s not the only manifestation.

There are numerous articles, videos, and social media posts that highlight the racism on display in apps like Grindr. If the United States of America were on Grindr, I would imagine its profile would read something like this:

  • Whites only — no blacks, no Asians, no Hispanics, no immigrants
  • Love to travel
  • Attracted to masculine, straight-acting men, NO FEMMES
  • Into fit, able-bodied only
  • Not into older
  • Be normal, healthy, disease-free
  • Looking to invade, dominate, and destabilize you
  • Just my preference!

If your Grindr profile looks anything like this, or if you seek men who have these “preferences”, you are helping to uphold white supremacy within the gay community and society at large.

The purpose of naming this is not to blame or demonize gay men, but rather, to highlight the need for change in our community, and more specifically, within ourselves. Just as white supremacy functions as an onslaught of discrimination, oppression, and segregation in the U.S. and the world, it does so within our community, except we are its promoters and the impacted.

Let’s unpack white supremacy further and see how it thrives in the gay male community.

Don’t be a white suprema-sis

An ideal gay white supremacist reality would have mostly white men and a sprinkle of light-skinned men of color. Every man would be cis, masculine-presenting, and have a “fit” and able body. There would be an emphasis on aesthetics that are Euro-centric and appearances that reflect a certain level of social or financial status. It would include watered-down aspects of other cultures while excluding people from those communities.

This reality sounds atrocious and bland but it exists in gathering spaces, events, social circles, and LGBTQ professional, political, and advocacy groups. It’s what’s promoted in gay movies, shows, news, and social media accounts.

To identify white supremacy in our community, it helps to understand what it looks like in society and throughout history. White supremacy functions by separating humanity and assigning biased value to human aspects, such as gender, skin color, facial features, body and hair types, intellectual and body functioning, language, culture, etc. It creates systems and hierarchies that place whiteness at the top where power, advantages, and resources are accumulated. It develops delusions in favor of whiteness and against people of color that are spread as truths or facts through laws, rules, education, and propaganda to increase the value of whiteness and devalue non-whiteness. It stays intact by getting passed down from generation to generation.

Photo by Heike Mintel on Unsplash

Real life examples that result in the unjust benefit to whiteness at the expense of marginalized people include:

  • The genocide of Native peoples across the globe and theft of their lands
  • The enslavement of Black people by white Europeans
  • Assigning monetary value to Black and Brown bodies for capital and labor gain
  • The exploitation of people for labor, land, wealth, sex, resources, children, knowledge, and culture
  • The creation of the police and legal systems intended to protect property and wealth for white people and keep others oppressed and in fear
  • The zoning laws that created desirable neighborhoods and communities for white people and corralled communities of color and immigrants to run down, neglected, and toxic environments
  • The lending practices that gave white people the means to move up through the class system and develop generational wealth while denying the same access and opportunities to people of color and queer people
  • The destruction of the environment and native lands for capital gain
  • The system of education that offers learning opportunities to white children and enacts inequity and a prison pipeline to communities of color
  • The history that is taught to promote delusions dressed as truths to favor whiteness and presents white people/men as heroes and saviors while excluding the history, talent, ingenuity, and greatness of marginalized people, including queer and trans people
  • The standards of beauty promoted in media, fashion, etc. that emphasize whiteness as the ideal and label Black, Brown, Asian, Indigenous, disabled, fat, and neurodiverse people as undesirable and disposable

And the list goes on. White supremacy uses tools like racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ableism, ageism, capitalism, environmental destruction, and any form of oppression, segregation, exclusion, and dehumanization in order to maintain power. White people are not exempt from being targets of white supremacist tools, either by being bystanders as those tools are utilized against their targets, or to prevent white people from dismantling white supremacy.

It all exists in gay male culture under different names and disguises. White supremacy manifests itself and is reinforced in the gay community by:

  • Promoting the “ideal” body type and an unhealthy pursuit of it
  • Preferences for white or light-skinned men as sexual/romantic partners and friends
  • Voicing and posting those preferences for others to hear and see in order to avoid interacting with people deemed undesirable
  • Excluding others based on race, ethnicity, body size, aesthetics, social and financial standing, etc.
  • Fetishizing men because their race, ethnicity, size, disability, etc., either exclusively for sex or for romantic relationships
  • Bottom-shaming, body-shaming, and any form of shaming directed at others and yourself
  • Seeing others and ourselves as sexual objects
  • Using sexual desirability as a means to assign value to others and ourselves
  • Assuming you have the right to access anything that belongs to someone else, especially their body
  • Imposing your beliefs or opinions on others and how they should live their life
  • Fighting for gay rights but not trans rights
  • Fighting for gay rights from a white male lens that lacks intersectionality
  • Having a bias against bisexual men or erasing bisexuality altogether
  • Being derogatory toward women, trans and non-binary people, intersex people, and femme guys
  • Preferring and performing masculinity and shaming femininity in men
  • Appropriating practices and culture from people/groups who don’t receive your positive regard, respect, money, friendship, love, or humanity

This list also goes on and on. White supremacy exists in gay culture in many forms. We cannot fight for racial, social, political, and environmental causes while simultaneously reinforcing white supremacy in our community. We must fully acknowledge and fight against white supremacy if we truly want liberation for our communities.

Being gay does not make it okay or give you permission to engage in white supremacist behavior nor does it absolve you from the harmful impacts it has on others in our community.

A barrier to dismantling white supremacy in our community is that there are gay men who are comfortable with the benefits granted to them under this regime and see the harm it inflicts on them and others as an acceptable tradeoff. There are others who want to experience those benefits and will morph to assimilate themselves into something that will hopefully gain them access to the privileges of white supremacy.

It is crucial to understand that gay/queer people will never fully exist in peace or safely in a white supremacist society. We must work to avoid becoming barriers to the dismantling of white supremacy.

The beauty is that as we tear down systems and hierarchies based on white supremacy and work to establish more inclusive ways of living as people in society and on this planet, folks of all ages who are gay, bi, queer, trans, non-binary, gender queer, intersex, Black, Brown, Native, Asian, multiracial, disabled, fat, and neurodiverse will hold the key to making it happen.

Resources: Expanding your knowledge

The following resources highlight some of the ways white supremacy exists in society, was established, is perpetuated, and how it harms everyone, especially marginalized people, in all aspects of life, in and outside of the LGBTQ+ community, including housing, education, healthcare, economics, employment, politics, and more, in the United States of America and globally.





  • Gather” documentary on Netflix

🌈 Gay Men & Blog 🦄

This blog is dedicated to the growth and empowerment of gay men to lead a life of love and fulfillment. Read more articles at Gay Men & Blog on Medium. Follow to receive notification on future articles.

Fighting White Supremacy | Our Desire for Deep Connection | Whiteness Has Never Existed Peacefully in America | The Culture that Creates “PV Gays” | Dear Fathers, Your Gay Sons Are Hurting | Putting an End to Ghosting | Redefining “Coming Out” | Anti-Blackness

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Gay Men & Blog
Gay Men & Blog

Written by Gay Men & Blog

Gay Men & Blog is dedicated to empowering gay men to heal, grow, and live a life of love and fulfillment.

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